
Let’s build a drug positive curriculum!


Which posters should we put up or pass out?

(wow, very comprehensive – even caffeine and adhd medication is on here!)

(that’s good to know – there’s definitely positive and negative effects of taking each drug)

(we should definitely include information on how the criminal system is intertwined with drug use, but this seems a little reductive, no?)


(alcohol is the MOST dangerous? but it’s the most common one! we should make sure to cover the context of how and why it is the most dangerous so students don’t feel shocked or ashamed)

(no, i don’t think we shouldn’t scare the students)

(definitely! mixing the wrong drugs is one of the leading causes of drug related fatalities. everyone should learn this info)

(interesting, i think some kids would love to see how drugs connect with biology)

Quiz! what resources should we make sure young folks have to make responsible and well informed choices so that they have positive (or at least, not negative) experiences with drugs?

A. testing kits
B. hotlines to call that are not the cops
C. nalaxone (aka narcan) training
D. locations of supervised injection sites – like the new one right here in NYC
E. space to share their personal and family experiences
F. honest stories from instructors
G. all of the above

Answer: G, all of the above! great job!


Should we talk about the history of drug use and laws in the US?
Absolutely! young people have seen real life effects, they deserve to understand the full story:


Let’s make sure we are prepared for some hard hitting questions from youth. How would you answer or respond to:
1. “My mom used to do drugs a lot when she was really depressed but now she tells me I will be grounded if I do them… she’s a hypocrite and a junkie!”
(idea: pull this person to the side and have a one on one conversation about how a parent’s drug use has affected them and how it may inform their views on drug use)
2. “I heard doing meth can help you have sex all night, is that true?”
(idea: address the fact that this is something that some people do but sex is something you should make sure you are in the right state of mine to consent to and enjoy)
3. “My cousin died from a fentanyl overdose… I can’t believe you are telling us drugs are okay.”
(idea: approach with empathy, create space for the feelings of fear and grief and explain how by sharing resources and interventions, we can work to prevent more deaths)


Remember: drug use should be a positive experience – if you think you or someone you care about has problematic use, it’s important to tell someone so they can get you the resources you need and understand what the cause of the problematic use is. addiction or over use of substances does not have to be a burden, a disease, or anything to be ashamed of